Sunday, 7 April 2013

Milk & Cookies at the Chocolate Factory: "FAIL"

Tuesday 9 April from 7-10pm. Doors 6.30pm. 

Chocolate Factory, King's Inn Street, Dublin 1 
After the astounding (if somewhat chilly) success of our last show, Milk & Cookies has decided to move into the Chocolate Factory for keeps!

That's right, from now on the Milk & Cookies monthly show will be taking place at the one and only Chocolate Factory on King's Inn Street. Tell your friends!

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
~Thomas Edison

Failure is one of those things we've all experienced but nobody likes to acknowledge, like the Matrix sequels or your internet browser history. It's what separates us from Kanye West and the Kardashians. Or, wait... no that can't be right.

Milk and Cookie Stories is for anyone who has a story to tell, or wants to hear a tale told well, in a relaxed, friendly environment - a place with tea, cushions, cookies and friends. Our event is free, everyone is welcome and we welcome stories of all kinds.

This month we're looking for the kind of stories that would neatly fit into the category of *EPIC FAIL*. 

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Milk and Cookies at the Chocolate Factory March 12th 2013

Death by Choclonite 

Milk & Cookies would like to interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you some EXCITING NEWS!
For this month’s show Milk & Cookies will be taking a trip across the Liffey to the Chocolate Factory! ( It’s a new creative community developing in the old Williams & Woods building on Kings Inn Street. We’ve been there and there’s some exciting stuff going on and we decided more people need to hear about it!
What were we doing there you ask, nonchalantly – but also like you really want to know? Well I dunno… something A-MAY-ZING I GUESS! I gotta be honest, this next part makes me a little tingly… Milk & Cookie Stories is proud to announce that AFTER DARK 3 – the third in our fist-pumpingly awesome series of variety shows – will be taking place this April at the CHOCOLATE FACTORY!

Doors open 6.30pm. Show starts 7pm. 
Free admission. 

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Bards' Blocks - innovative storytelling at Mamuska Dublin

7pm Friday 1 March 2013 in The Back Loft, 7-11 St. Augustine St., Dublin 8.  

Patrick McGlynn's haunting, improvised soundscapes provide the perfect musical setting for The Oh-Aissieux's intriguing and engaging storytelling.

More about Mamuska Dublin:

Monday, 18 February 2013

Storytelling workshop for Open Learning Ireland

Saturday 2 March 2013 from 2 to 5 pm 
Seomra Spraoi (upstairs), 10 Belvedere Court, Dublin 1 

Lay your hands on the most powerful creative tools of the 21st-century bard.

Across Europe, a new bardic movement is emerging, drawing on a deep well of international tales and applying powerful dramatic techniques to bring new life to European storytelling. This workshop offers an enjoyable introduction to the new bardic art, through an afternoon of storytelling games and exercises:
Which rasa? - a game of emotional flavours
Storyboards for live tales
Whose story is it? - for liars and deceivers

Workshop facilitator Coilín "The O'Hashugh" is the prime mover in a brand new school of Irish storytelling, focused on innovation. Having studied film at the European Film College and Screenwriters Copenhagen, both in Denmark, he brings a keen appreciation of dramaturgy to his work as a storyteller. He is the founder of the Narrative Arts Club, which has been producing storytelling shows and workshops in Dublin since 2005. Read more about the Narrative Arts Club here:

Find the Seomra Spraoi here:

Free admission. 

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Sea Speak, February - In Celebration of RED!

"In Celebration of RED!"

SEA SPEAK, HOWTH, 21st February 2013 @ Krugers, Main Street, Howth February Storytelling revolves all around the FABULOUS,
FANTASTIC, FOXY colour of Red.

... Hosted by Proud Red Head and Storyteller, Daria Marie Walsh

Our Featured Storyteller this month is the sublime Joe Govan!
Check out

Also coming on-board this month, and to be a regular fixture:
“Letters from a distant time; words that rode waves,
sent by the other tribe.”

It would seem that we DO have some brave and generous souls
willing to share their Stories with us.......
So the Open Mic IS ON!

Be the FIRST to hear my Tales from [the newly renamed]
"Red Head #11" Stories.

In celebration of all things Red!
Fiery Red Heads, Red Valentine’s Heart, That Red Scarf,
Charlie Brown's Little Redheaded Girl,
Red with anger, Red neck of a scallop, Red Lobster!

We’re looking for all Stories Red this month!
But we just LOVE Stories, so bring yourself and
Your Story even if it’s not RED and sit with us by
the warm, cozy fire and let your ears be filled! always it's FREE-IN
Doors Open at 8:30pm
Stories Start at 9pm

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Launch of Sea Speak 31st January 2012

Thursday 31st January
at Krugers, Main Street, Howth
Doors Open at 8:30pm, Starts at 9pm

Hosted by Storyteller Daria Marie Walsh

... This is Howth's FIRST and ONLY Storytelling Night!

We have a VERY EXCITING Line-Up of Fantastic Storytellers.
Your ears will be treated to those Word Masters Supreme,
The Storytellers:
Brendan Nolan
The Oh-Aissieux!
Paul H.Tubb this space.....

Yes, there will be Lorcan the Lamb and a few other surprises.

We'll tell stories by the fire, literally.

Stories and Storytelling is ever evolving, yet ever constant
always flowing back to it's origins. There is more than one way
to tell a Story. Come along and Listen.

"LIKE" our FaceBook Page and TELL A FRIEND

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Milk & Cookies: Bedtime Stories

Tuesday 8 January 2013 from 7pm to 10pm. Doors 6.30pm.

Exchange Dublin, Exchange Street Upper, Temple Bar, Dublin 2.

"Once upon a time there was a princess. She was a good princess. Then she died. In the rain. The end."
~ Ernest Hemingway

Back to where it all began. Bedtime. The birthplace of storytelling. Dream gardening.

Milk and Cookie Stories is for anyone who has a story to tell, or wants to hear a tale told well, in a relaxed, friendly environment - a place with tea, cushions, cookies and friends. Our event is free, everyone is welcome and we welcome stories of all kinds.